All posts by crossan007

Hiding Featured Images in WordPress Blog Posts

My wife recently asked me if she could hide the featured images in her blog posts.  She wanted the photos displayed on her home page and post listings, but not on the actual page for the blog post – She wanted to actually insert the image to her post at some point into the post:

I did some Googling, and found that most themes implement a “single.php” file.  In this file is a definition for how the individual blog posts render:

<?php if (is_single()) : ?>
<article id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>” <?php post_class(); ?>>
<?php the_post_thumbnail(‘featured’); ?>
<div id=”post-content”>
<?php the_title(‘<h1 id=”post-title”>’, ‘</h1>’); ?>

Of interest to me was the line

<?php the_post_thumbnail(‘featured’); ?>

Which I simply commented out:

<?php #the_post_thumbnail(‘featured’); ?>

And now, the featured image is not displayed at the top of the post, and she is free to insert the image anywhere she wishes:


So, with that, you should check out her blog: Anna’s Alcove


Forgot SharePoint Farm User Account Password

I had recently patched an inherited SharePoint 2010 Farm up to the December 2014 CU.  I’m currently prepping to migrate the farm to SharePoint 2013, but I needed to get it patched in the interim.

I successfully applied SP2, and the the December 2014 CU (14.0.7140.5000 – Much thanks to Todd Klindt’s SharePoint Admin Blog for the easy build number lookup), and all seemed well.

That is, until I had to change an extranet user’s email address.  These users don’t have mail accounts in our Exchange environment, but we do populate the mail attribute in AD with their corporate email address.  I made the change to the attribute in AD, and attempted to run the User Profile Synchronization (Central Administration | Manage Service Applications | User Profile Service Application | Start Profile Synchronization).

This action failed because the User Profile Synchronization Service was not running on the server! (Central Administration | Manage Services on Server).

I attempted to start the service but was prompted for the DOMAIN\SPFarm account! I searched all archives and documents, but found no reference to this password!  UH OH!!!!!

I finally found this post:

I had full administrative access to the server on which Central Administration was installed, so all I had to do was run a “one liner” in PowerShell.  Could it really be that easy?!

Here’s how easy it is:

&$env:windir\\system32\\inetsrv\\appcmd.exe list apppool 
 "SharePoint Central Administration v4" /text:ProcessModel.Password

I ran the command in my dev environment first (we always test foreign code outside of production, right?), and got this!

No Way.  That’s my Farm account password….in PLAIN TEXT! WHOA SCARY!

So, If you ever find yourself forgetting any of your IIS Application Pool Account Passwords, you now have the tool to recover it!


Birds in Flight

My wife and I were walking around Old City Philadelphia.  We sat down to eat lunch, and were instantly swarmed with birds turned dogs.  They knew we had food, and they weren’t leaving until it was gone.  So, we obliged their requests, and tossed some sandwich chunks into the air.  After seeing their reaction, I decided to grab my recently acquired Canon EOS Rebel T1i to see what i could capture.  I set it to manual focus (Since there was so much in the background the camera *could* choose to focus on), set the ISO to 6,400.  I set my shutter speed to 1/4000 sec, and an F-Stop of f/5.6.  I snapped quite a few pictures of nothing at all….and then this:

Birds in flight (and some free-falling) - All attempting to get a piece of the sandwich!
Birds in flight (and some free-falling) – All attempting to get a piece of the sandwich!

Collecting User Data in SharePoint 2010 with custom Site Columns

The Task: Build a system to archive paper documents (being scanned from e-mail enabled scanners) and optimize for retrieval

I decided to build an E-Mail enabled library to get the documents into SharePoint.   This allows users to save the email address in their contact list on the copier, and makes scanning in documents very easy.

To gather the metadata for these documents, I used the “Collect  Data From a User” (CUD) Action in SharePoint Designer.  This created a Content Type based on the name of the task – In my case “Student Document Data Collection.”

I then added some of my existing site columns to this content type from SPD – things like first name, last name, and district.  I didn’t want to use the CUD wizard to add these fields to the data collection task because a) all of the fields already exist in the site, and b) some of the fields are multiple choice, and I really don’t want to manage two instances of the same data!

After I modified the content type, I refreshed the workflow and returned to the CUD wizard in SPD, and saw that all of my fields populated! Hoorah!

I proceeded to build the rest of the workflow, referencing the fields collected in the CUD task in the normal manner; however, I was noticing a problem: None of the user entered data was showing up!

How could this be? SharePoint was prompting me for the data, I entered it, and I hit save… It should be there, right?  I wrote entries to the workflow history log to see if maybe the data just wasn’t being applied to the current item.  No dice – It looked like SharePoint just wasn’t storing the collected data.

Thanks to reddit user sbrick89, It looks like fields (Site Columns) created in the CUD action within SPD actually have a distinction from standard Site Columns! It’s not a big difference, but it will mess up your day (or, in my case WEEK)!   These fields are prefixed with “FieldName_”.

I jumped into my SharePoint Management PowerShell and whipped this up in order to create my Site Columns (in a way that they will be usable for data collection):


$Web = Get-SPWeb $SiteURL
$FieldXMLString = ‘<Field Type=”Text”
Description=”Student First Name”
DisplayName=”Student First Name”
Group=”0 Student Columns”

Documentation for the syntax of the $FieldXMLString can be found here:

Of note is this “Name: Required Text: The name of a field. This is the internal name of a field and is guaranteed never to change for the lifetime of the field definition. It must be unique with respect to the set of fields in a list. The name is autogenerated based on the user-defined name for a field.

I also wanted to create a multiple choice Site Column for District:

$FieldXMLString = ‘<Field Type=”Choice”
Group=”0 Student Columns”
<Choice>District 1</Choice>
<Choice>District 2</Choice>

After creating the Site Columns with the proper internal name, I was able to add the newly created site column to the CUD Content Type, update my workflow, and collect the user data successfully!   Yes, It does seem that any alterations (including changes to the items in a choice Site Colume) to the CUD Content Type require that the workflow be loaded in SPD, the CUD Step opened, “next through” the wizard, and the workflow re-published in order for the changes to appear in the actual data collection step.
